
A brief thought on marriage.

It’s too idealistic, they argue. After all, lots of marriages end in divorce; lots of people have sex outside of marriage; and lots of great kids grow up without both biological parents. So why is there such a fight to maintain the traditional view and understanding of marriage? Consider the tree. We could define a tree […]

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Face-time beats screen-time every time.

There’s something powerful about raw, unfiltered, unmediated face-to-face interaction that’s just better than… well… everything else. Now, I’m not totally anti-social-media, or against all television viewing or computer use. In fact, a quick survey will show that even in my house there is a screen-to-human ratio of 2.2 to 1. But the “social” interaction we […]

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skip the museum. go shopping.

Skip the museum. Go shopping.

The museum deals in the primary theoretical and historical. But the grocery store, and the garage, and the kitchen table… they deal primarily in the practical, real-life sorts of things that every kid (and many adults) needs to learn.

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