This thing… and all things.

“Do you know what my mom always used to tell me?”

He was struggling to keep his balance (and catch his breath) nearly 24 feet off the ground in our indoor ropes course. Last year he had come to camp and tried, but not been able to overcome his fear of heights. He had not been able to leave the ladder, to conquer an element, or to experience the step-off.

I had him take a deep breath, hold it, and then exhale slowly. He knew he was safe in his harness and helmet, tied into the overhead belay cable with inch-thick ropes, but his body wasn’t convinced yet. He was sweaty, shaky and scared.

All of us are at times. Scared of what might happen. Afraid of what could happen. Caught off guard because of the uncertainty. We know in our heads that everything is going to be OK, but our heart isn’t convinced.

“What did your mom always used to tell you?” I asked him.

He took a deep breath and then said, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

And she was right. He could. He did.

He could do this thing… he could cross that element, stand on the platform, and then step off and swing.

And he can do so much more. He can do it through Christ who gives him strength.

And so can you.

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